
PCN Services recommends the following Organisations, apps and podcasts but please, if you are in need of urgent assistance, call 000.

Beyond Blue
Beyond Blue has been providing supports and services to people in Australia for 20 years, focused on supporting people affected by anxiety, depression and suicide.

Phone: 1300224636


Available 24 hours.
Ph: 13 11 14

Mensline Australia

24 hour phone and on-line counselling service for men. A free service 24/7.

 1300 789 978

QLife - Support and Referrals.

Anonymous and free LGBTIQ+ peer support and referral for people in Australia. 1800184527

Black Dog Institute
The Black Dog Institute is dedicated to improving the lives of people affected by mood disorders through their high quality translational research, clinical expertise and national education programs.

Sane Australia

If you need support with complex mental health or trauma-related issues, or you're supporting a friend or family member, Sane assists with free counselling, peer support and referrals.  Phone, email or web chat Monday to Friday 10am - 10pm or connect with other people who understand what you're going through 24/7 on the online Forums.
Ph: 1800 187 263


Open Arms Veterans and Families Counselling Service

Suicide Prevention

Phone: 1800011046 

Head to Health

Provided by the Australian Department of Health.  Head to Health brings together apps, online programs, online forums, and phone services, as well as a range of digital information resources.

Mood Gym

Free online self-help program - Cognitive behaviour therapy.

Carers QLD

assistance for people who care for someone else

1300 747 636


ABC All in the Mind

Psychology and Eating:

Shrink Rap Radio by David Van Nuys, Ph.D. He is Emeritus Professor of Psychology at Sonoma State University:

ACT: Turning Hurt to Hope

Acute Care Team

Mental Health
Ph: (07) 1300 642 255

Suicide Call Back Service

The Suicide Call Back Service is a 24 hour, nationwide service that provides free telephone, video and online counselling.

You can call them anywhere and anytime on 1300 659 467.  Their professionally trained counsellors have specialist skills in working with suicide-related issues and they can help you to work through the pain and distress you may be feeling.


ACT Companion: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy App for Adults

Breathe: Focus on your breath and help calm the body:

PTSD Coach Australia, developed by Department of Veteran Affairs but applicable for anyone experiencing PTSD: Mobile PTSD APP for Adults

Operation Life, developed by Department of Veteran Affairs to provide a mobile app to help with suicidal thoughts.

Stress Management App: High Res App, developed by Department of Veteran Affairs to help manage daily life stressors.

Life Flex: Therapy Wellness Wearables combined with e-therapy

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy ToolKit

Fitness motivation

Internet delivered CBT for depression and anxiety